Hand Reflexology and How it Works

Our hands are perhaps the most active parts of the human body these days. Most of our daily activities such as typing on a keyboard, using a cell phone, or driving a car, involve the use of the hands. It is no wonder that most people’s hands are in such agony. An increase in sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise also means that people are becoming more and more unfit. The increasing obesity of our generation makes the body susceptible to many diseases. Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of hand reflexology It can not only help get rid of all the aches and pains in your hands, but also promotes the proper functioning of all the organs, thus paving the way to better health. Hand reflexology is easy to administer. During a typical session, a therapist will use fingers, thumb, to stimulate the various pressure points. It is one of the easiest forms of therapy to administer and does not require expensive equipment or oils.

What are the benefits of hand reflexology

Studies conducted to measure the efficacy of reflexology have shown that it produces the same positive effects on the brain as meditation. Thus, reflexology can help you to beat stress; one of the most common afflictions on our planet today. Hand reflexology has also been shown to be beneficial for the heart. It is also used to treat ailments such as constipation, headaches (migraine or sinus induced), and asthma.

Source: http://www.reflexology-research.com/